wow~~ 今天竟然从早到晚连续不停地做功课哦~~ 


想偷懒一下,翻开了电脑相簿,“念旧”一下!哈哈~ (好像很老酱...)




我们八个人住一间房哦~~ 虽然有点拥挤,还是相处愉快~ :D

看见桌子上的Sejarah课本吗?哈哈~~ 噩梦~~

看见桌子上的杯面吗?哈哈~ 以前我们为了省钱,最喜欢把鸡蛋打进杯面,然后再用滚水把面和鸡蛋烫熟~~ 好吃哦~~

别怪橱的门那么破烂,因为是中学生嘛~~ 而且也用了十几年,橱还能站起来,算很好咯~~


这一间房间房号是404。每一年的4月4日晚上,我们都会为寝室庆祝生日哦~~ 也“顺便”庆祝一个人的生日啦~~ 哈哈~~




大猪前面遮着半边脸的是小猪。他超级喜欢打篮球...好像有一次带了湿湿的篮球回寝室,然后被我们丢出去...哈~~ :P

左边的那一位是乌龟,也叫喷火龙。忘记了叫他乌龟的原因。叫喷火龙是因为他“火会不小心从嘴巴溜出来”!哎呀,别人要喷火,扣喉都呕不出啦~~ 呵呵~~

蓝色衣服的也叫小猪。有一次因为鼻鼾声太大声,被我们逼去买药治疗~~ 哈哈~~ 最后痊愈了~ 还有,他也是我们偷跑外出去买豆腐花的代表!

被小猪抱着的是母猪。千万不要惹到他,情绪会像过山车一样急速上下的~~ 怕怕~~ 但是,他平常都是嬉皮笑脸,很专心照顾两只小猪~

中间深绿色衣服的就是山猪。也就是上面提到的勇慷咯~ 有一次看见他把tilam硬硬“撞”进衣橱里...=.=||| 就是“山猪”的由来啦~~

嗯...剩下一个...不需要多介绍啦~~~ 我想你们都了解他了...哈哈~~ 至于他是什么动物嘛...猜猜看咯~~ 知道的人可以说出来啊~ 我不介意的... 嘻嘻~~ 我只是不想自己说而已啦!哈!!



Seasons In The Sun

Goodbye to you my trusted friend
We've known each other since we were nine or ten
Together we climbed hills and trees
Learned of love and A B C's
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.

Goodbye my friend it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I'll be there

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons
Out of time......

Goodbye Papa please pray for me
I was the black sheep of the family
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much wine and too much song
Wonder how I got along.

Goodbye Papa its hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Little children everywhere
When you see them I'll be there.

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons
Have all gone.

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons
Have all gone.

Goodbye Michelle my little one
You gave me love and helped me find the sun
And every time that I was down
You would always come around
And get my feet back on the ground.

Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we could both be there

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons
Out of time......

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons
Have all gone

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons
Have all gone

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons
Have all gone


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